GENERAL PLAYING TIPS Save constantly. This is especially true is the lower (physically) levels where heavy-damage-inflicting monsters roam. IMHO, this game is most enjoyable if one plays it mission-oriented style: before playing, set up an objective like the killing of ten monsters or the procurement of a certain object, before saving again. Use the saving zones as mission bases. Whenever heavy damage has been sustained, revert. Each resting will cost 7 minutes of time. In other words, every hit sustained is time lost. This game IMHO is very heavy on resource management. Most important resources are time and ammunitions. Ammunition will cease to be of extreme concern once the Ammo Duplication Cedar Box is obtained. Time will always be of extreme concern. Each resting takes 7 minutes and will allow one to recover about 1/7 of total health points. Ammo is duplicated in a minutely base. Incremental resting is recommended once the Ammo Cedar Box is obtained: might as well produce ammo in resting, even though it is inefficient since ammo can be produced every minute while one meaningful resting period is 7 minutes. Command key sideward dodging is essential in minimizing hits in the easier levels. Recommended tactics for normal characters at easier level is Tango style movement with ambush style firing: run forward several steps before retreating all those steps back and be ready to side step behind walls to induce bad guys advancing into ambushes. Recommended tactics for normal characters at harder level is Waltz style movement with assasin style firing: run forward several steps before retreating necessary number of steps back around a defensable corner, turn body around until the gun is pointing at most 45 degree from the anticipated advancing path of the approaching monsters. Commence firing once any part of the monsters is seen. If a monster (particulary those like Skitters (& Ghast) that can shoot straight and fast travelling ammo) is known to be approaching, hide around the corner at most 45 degree to its approach. Commence firing upon sighting any part of it in the gun sight. Once hit, it will stop and try to return fire but can not do so because it can not shoot at an angle. Weapons should be fired at point blank range whenever possible to ensure maximum damage while conserving ammunition until one procures the Cedar Box for ammo duplication. The only exception is with fragmentation grenades in the case when they are plenty: fire them as far as possible to allow for reloading, thus a second shot. Weapon accuracy is included in consideration for performance evaluation at the end of the game. Number 1 priority is to obtain the Cedar box for ammo duplication. Usage of crystals and potions should be extremely judicious or else one may have a hard, if not impossible, time overcoming certain situations in the game. Learn to aim and shoot straight first. Then learn to shoot at an angle hidding around the corner, ambushing incoming monsters at or nearly at point-blank range. Never slug it out with monsters face to face. Always try to draw them into ambushes in which they can not shoot back. Be efficiently patient whenever possible: saving 1 minute of waiting by going out rushing around looking for monsters is definitely not worth the while if one has to spend 5 minute recuperating from the wounds thus sustained. Try to recover as many artifacts as possible since this process improves one's health points. Try to visit every square of any level to recover ammo clips in the early game. Later on, like after the level Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch'Intrate, one may not wish or in fact, recommended not to do so if one has the Cedar Box and knows where all the goodies like potions and artifacts are. The program takes around 4 to 5 second to reload the Grenade Launcher. To reload the M-79 in less than 2 seconds, allow it to break open right after firing before immediately command-2 to shift to inventory window. Double-click on the M-79 to unwield it before double-click it to wield it again. It will be reloaded and ready to be fired again. Command-1 to shift back to game window to continue firing. Before quaking down the Sentinels' shields, wait a little standing a little to the right of the center of the path to attract Skitters to apprach on the other side of the shields. Their rolling web spindles will be stopped by the shields if the Sentinels sit in the way. Blast the Skitters with Fragmentation grenades. HE or Projectile grenades will be stopped by the shields but not Fragmentation ones. Remember to set the bomb before leaving Who Else Wants Some?